Kay Pierson

Director of Community Reinvestment for the United Planning Organization

“The classic two parent home with two children is no longer the typical family paradigm is was in the 50s and 60s. Households are now smaller and more likely to be female headed. The cost of buying and maintaining a house is so challenging to moderate and low income families, it is increasingly out of reach. The ADU movement will allow older homeowners to age in place, while providing a new source of income and creating a real legacy. It allows renters to live affordably and not have to choose between having a modest lifestyle, or paying rent.”

Matthew Scouten

Business Development Office, Gemini Title

"Eluvial is at the forefront of an exciting opportunity for investors, current and prospective homeowners to increase their long term wealth. I'm excited to be involved with them and believe the ADU movement is progressive and will be an important part of our real estate community going forward in the DMV region."